A Place to Call Home Canceled Seven Network, Soho, Showcase Series Not Returning for Season 7

Genres: Drama, Romance
Status: Canceled
Latest Episode: 10/21/2018
Created by: Bevan Lee

A Place to Call Home is an Australian melodrama TV series that centers on a woman who has returned to her native Australia.

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Name Air Dates
Reaching Home Oct 21, 2018

The 1950s come to an end at Ash Park, bringing with it love, forgiveness and acceptance for the Bligh family.

Life Longs for Itself Oct 14, 2018

Sarah challenges Jack to communicate with Carolyn. Anna gives birth, bringing joy to the family but can it also bring healing to her parents? Olivia returns with unexpected news.

Autumn Affairs Oct 7, 2018

Jack and Carolyn's marriage is under threat as Delia hovers dangerously, but can she strike?

New Adventures Sep 30, 2018

Sarah finds the strength to face her biggest fear and embrace happiness with George and David.

Staring Down the Barrel Sep 23, 2018

Sarah is confronted by Stan, staring down the barrel of a gun. But it's what this triggers long term that effects Sarah the most. Elizabeth is challenged by Matthew's brutal assessment of her biggest flaw.

Look Not in My Eyes Sep 16, 2018

Olivia faces losing Georgie to his birth mother. Jack's interview with a replacement surgeon brings more than he bargained for. Henry hits rock bottom.

Against the Tide Sep 9, 2018

Will Sarah, George and Jack's investigation into Henry's accident lead to another tragedy?

Darkness and Light Sep 2, 2018

Dawn's funeral brings healing for some, while the consequences of Henry's accident brings soul-searching for others.

Salt of the Earth Aug 26, 2018

Sarah supports a heartbroken Roy. Elizabeth questions her place in the family. Henry's life is changed forever.

For Better or Worse Aug 19, 2018

Sarah and George's wonderful news signals the beginning of a new era at Ash Park. James' return rattles Henry.

In Memoriam Dec 24, 2017

The Bligh family must deal with some deep ethical questions. The family must now make a decision: do they reveal the truth, or do they remain quiet and keep Sir Richard safely out of their lives?

Lie Deep Dec 17, 2017

Frank and Roy discover an inebriated Jack still suffering from Sir Richard's public humiliation of him. Henry and Sarah prepare for an autopsy, and Sarah begins to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Meanwhile, Anna and Henry find comfort in each other.

Death Comes as an End Dec 10, 2017

Two weeks until the federal election and Jack embraces a rigorous campaign schedule. Sir Richard's suspicions of a subterfuge deepen. Elizabeth launches Douglas' veteran's fund to representatives of the Australian-Aboriginal Fellowship. With one deft strike, Sir Richard's destruction of Jack Duncan looks complete. A body is pulled from the river.

All That Lies Ahead Dec 3, 2017

Elizabeth's cloud of grief begins to break. Jack is asked to assist in Sir Richard's downfall. Sarah still harbours doubts about Regina's motives for helping the family. Sir Richard pays Elizabeth a visit. His veiled threats send a tremor through the family.

Cloud Break Nov 26, 2017

The family convenes and agree to come up with a plan to wrestle control of Ash Park from Sir Richard. Elizabeth receives news of an extraordinary nature. George questions the value of trying to save Ash Park. Perhaps it would be easier to sell it off and walk away? The Inverness fete becomes a hotbed of tension, as Carolyn expresses her frustrations.

The Anatomy of His Passing Nov 19, 2017

One month later, in the midst of the family's grief, George must deal with a rabid Sir Richard keen on finding out George's decision regarding the upcoming federal election. Olivia returns home without James. Henry and George deal with the grief of rejection. Sarah realises Elizabeth's complicity in Douglas' death and counsels her with sage advice.

Demons of the Dark Nov 12, 2017

Sarah is plunged into a dark place and must confront the demons of her past. Roy confronts Larry about his involvement in the burning down of Frank's shack. Larry is taught a valuable lesson and is redeemed. Douglas finally realises his prognosis and asks for assistance to die. Anna defends herself against Sir Richard in an attempted rape. She flees to Ash Park where she and Carolyn realise that Regina may deserve their trust.

Do Not Go Gently Nov 5, 2017

Jack and Henry butt heads about informing Douglas of his prognosis. In Canberra, Sarah attends a political function and experiences a post traumatic stress episode.

The Edge of Reason Oct 29, 2017

Regina reveals that Sir Richard is hell bent on ruining the Bligh family. Sarah decides to accompany George to Canberra.

All That Glitters Oct 22, 2017

Two months have passed and Douglas has had a cancerous lung removed. George meets with a Rabbi in the city to discuss the process of conversion when he receives news of Regina's release. The family is sent into a tailspin, fearful of the repercussions. Carolyn clocks Jack's reluctance to change but busies herself advocating for Frank's art.

Fallout Oct 15, 2017

Sarah and George continue their difficult conversation about religion. Anna is sabotaging her writing career yet again while dealing with the attentions of her publisher.

Own Worst Enemy Oct 8, 2017

Four years later and we pick up the lives of the Bligh family's Anzac Day, 1958. Sarah comes into conflict with the hierarchy at the hospital over the misdiagnosis of an indigenous man, and challenges George over what religion David should be raised in.

All Good Things Nov 27, 2016

Olivia chooses a new path. Harry finds a new place to call home. Jack and Carolyn stand by their daughter. Sir Richard begins to draw up a blueprint for revenge against the Bligh family.

Catch the Tiger Nov 20, 2016

While Regina's behaviour spirals, George asks for the family to go about business as usual while he plans a way to keep everyone safe from Regina. James and Henry's relationship hits shaky ground.

And the Blind Shall See Nov 13, 2016

Elizabeth executes Operation Vanquish Regina. Anna pushes Gino beyond his limit. Sarah's advice helps Olivia find a new direction. James offers Harry a chance to spend time with their own kind.

Where Will the Baby's Dimple Be Nov 6, 2016

Sarah goes into labour. James supports Olivia as she faces a heartbreaking truth. Elizabeth gets a wonderful surprise. George's poor timing leaves him on shaky ground with Sarah.

There'll Be Some Changes Made Oct 30, 2016

Jack and Douglas take matters with Sir Richard into their own hands when the refuge comes under threat. James grapples with his old feelings for Harry.

You're Just in Love Oct 23, 2016

Jack and Carolyn's big day arrives, but has Sir Richard done enough to spoil it for them? Anna makes a huge confession. Gordon is convinced Sarah killed Milly? While Regina tempts Sgt Taylor.

The Trouble with Harry Oct 16, 2016

Elizabeth and Olivia work together to protect James from Harry. Jack and Carolyn are rattled as Sir Richard works his way back into their lives. Gino takes control of his marriage.

Happy Days are Here Again Oct 9, 2016

Sarah, Elizabeth and Anna devise a plan to destroy Regina. James shares his feelings with Henry - but will Harry's return spell trouble in paradise?

Home to Roost Oct 2, 2016

Elizabeth seizes the chance to battle Regina. Harry helps Sarah heal some deep emotional scars. George restores order at Ash Park.

When You're Smiling Sep 25, 2016

When Sarah and Roy go to Sydney, she finds more than she bargained for. Can Carolyn admit the truth to Elizabeth? Henry's confession forces James to sort out his true feelings

Bad in a Good Way Sep 18, 2016

Regina weaves another tendril around George. James is rattled by Olivia's confession. Jack proves to Carolyn that she's worthy of him.

A Nagging Doubt Sep 11, 2016

There are more twists and revelations for the characters of Inverness this season. Did Regina succeed in destroying any chance of happiness for George?

Unforgettable Nov 29, 2015

Regina sets out to destroy any chance of happiness for George and Sarah. Elizabeth takes a remarkable step towards happiness while Anna questions her relationship with Gino. Carolyn finally confides in Jack just as his career is on the line and James and Olivia reaching breaking point.

The Mourners' Kadish Nov 22, 2015

Regina and George return to Ash Park from their wedding, where both Elizabeth and Carolyn warn both parties about their marriage of convenience. Sarah is flustered in her attempts to arrange Rene's funeral but Roy and Doris Collins offer their support. With her family in tatters, Elizabeth refuses Douglas' offer of a deeper friendship. Gino is upset when he finds and reads Ann's unpublished novel. As their romantic dream finally shatters, Anna returns to Ash Park. Regina takes extreme measures to further ensnare George.

Till Death Do Us Part Nov 15, 2015

It is the morning of baby George's christening and Olivia is distraught over James' continued absence and locks herself in her room unable to face the thought of going to church without him. Regina travels to Sydney to bring James back and is rewarded by George who invites her back to stay at Ash Park. Anna discovers the extent of their financial problems as Gino's dreams die with the vines and the distance between them grows further. In Sydney, René undergoes neurosurgery while an anxious Sarah is comforted by Dr Henry Fox. Regina is determined to keep George and Sarah apart forever.

The Sins of the Father Nov 8, 2015

Jack has arranged for René to have his brain operation but Sarah, concerned about the risks involved refuses to give her consent. George withdraws his nomination as The Country Party candidate and attempts to face his demons regarding his strained relationship with his father. Regina hatches a plan to reinstate herself in George's esteem. Jack continues to warn Carolyn regarding Sir Richard's intentions. Elizabeth helps Sarah make a difficult decision. Meanwhile, James is still hiding away in Sydney, Gino is worried about his vine saplings, and Olivia is trying to maintain a facade on the eve of Baby George's Christening.

In the Heat of the Night Nov 1, 2015

George comes across Sarah, who has been taken ill at the side of the road, and takes her to the hospital where he learns of her pregnancy. Caroline teases her mother about Douglas Goddard but Elizabeth decides to visit his servicemen's club again. Olivia continues her relationship with Lloyd but she is determined to end the affair as her guilt intensifies. She is distraught when James discovers the affair and after their argument, Olivia discovers baby George missing. In Sydney, Douglas visits Elizabeth and puts his heart on the line, declaring he has feelings for her. René's health deteriorates as he puts Sarah's life in danger.

Living in the Shadow Oct 25, 2015

Olivia expresses her reservations about artist Lloyd Ellis Parker to James, but he insists that they retain him to paint their portraits. René is distraught on learning of Sarah's pregnancy and tells her he wishes she had never found him again. Carolyn confronts George about Regina, informing him of the threats she has been making about revealing James' secret. Elizabeth has lunch with Douglas Goddard but his romantic advances cause Elizabeth to withdraw. Regina tactically retreats to the Walker Farm, Olivia pleads with Anna not to tell James the truth about baby George, and Sarah and Jack have the abortionist arrested and Sarah reunites with René.

Too Old to Dream Oct 18, 2015

Sarah attends a back-street abortion doctor but cannot go through with the operation. A young girl she crosses paths with at the clinic is later brought to her for help. Carolyn gets the offer of the job as an art critic for one of Sir Richard's Sydney newspapers. Elizabeth returns to Douglas Goddard's refuge, Olivia is increasingly attracted to portrait artist Lloyd Elllis Parker and Anna realises that Gino's dream means a lot of hard work.

Somewhere Beyond the Sea Oct 11, 2015

Finding that Sarah is also in Sydney, Elizabeth arranges a meeting at which she is able to thank her for saving George's life. Elizabeth's desire to make her life meaningful finds her meeting a charming gentleman. Gino outlines his dream to Anna of becoming a successful wine maker, and Ash Park welcomes a charismatic painter. Olivia and Carolyn make preparations for a card-party for Sir Richard, and George finally discovers who Anna's real father is.

L'Chaim, to Life Oct 4, 2015

On returning to Ash Park, George tells the family that he is going to make an important announcement at dinner and invites James for a private chat beforehand. Gino is reluctant to face James, knowing his secret. René has another seizure, while Sarah is haunted by memories from the war.

The Things We Do for Love Sep 27, 2015

George is rushed to hospital having been shot, and the only witnesses are René and Regina. Elizabeth rushes to her son's side and initially confronts Sarah before realising that Sarah has probably saved his life. Anna and Gino are enjoying their honeymoon when she reveals that she has read the malicious letter given to her by Andrew Swanson, and Gino is horrified to learn the contents about Olivia and James. An increasingly disturbed René is arrested by Sergeant Franklin for George's attempted murder.

Unforgettable Jul 13, 2014

Rene suspects he is standing in the way of Sarah's happiness, despite Sarah's attempts to convince her husband of her devotion. George announces he's leaving Inverness for good, and asks James to take over the running of Ash Park. When Regina arrives distressed, the victim of apparent domestic violence, George cancels his plans, despite Elizabeth's warning that he's being manipulated. Threatened by Olivia's connection with Andrew, James encourages his wife to end the friendship. The bliss of Anna and Gino's honeymoon is tainted by a visit from Andrew.

I Do, I Do Jul 6, 2014

With Anna's wedding imminent, Sarah returns to live in Inverness with Rene. Sarah determinedly suppresses her feelings for George out of loyalty and love for her husband. However it is clear that George is finding her return difficult. On the morning of Anna's wedding, George asks Elizabeth to ease tensions by giving the marriage her blessing. As the ceremony approaches, Anna wishes there was some way Jack could play a more meaningful part. But with George still unaware that Jack knows the truth, it's impossible for them both to be father of the bride.

Answer Me, My Love Jun 22, 2014

Sarah arrives in Paris to try to forge a connection with her husband Rene, who carries immense scars, both physical and psychological. Back in Inverness, broken-hearted George hits the bottle, using alcohol to dull the pain. James does his best to pick up the pieces. Sickened by Elizabeth's part in George's heartache, Anna moves to the cottage. Jack's finding it increasingly difficult to act normally around Anna, and surprises them both by lecturing her like a father over her attitude towards Elizabeth. Meanwhile, Olivia receives word that it's time to put her plan into action.

No Other Love Jun 22, 2014

On a high after Sarah's triumph at the Swanson's party, George and Sarah finally lay to rest any residual issues about her past and are closer than ever. But their happiness is short-lived when they return to Inverness and are faced with Regina's bombshell. Olivia continues to carry the terrible burden of her baby's fate on her own, and with Andrew's instructions in mind, is unable to tell James for fear of losing the glue that holds together their relationship. Sickened by Elizabeth and Regina's scheming, Anna and Gino book the Catholic Church for their wedding in defiance.

Auld Lang Syne Jun 15, 2014

As a new year dawns, Sarah and George continue to grow closer, with George determined to put any residual issues about Sarah's past behind him. Elizabeth hosts a social event at Ash Park designed to socially humiliate Sarah by highlighting how out of her depth she is in formal society. Determined to find a way to make the Blighs pay for his recent mortification, Andrew throws himself behind the party too. Unbeknownst to James, Olivia sees a specialist, who confirms her worst fears. Hurt by Jack's rejection, Carolyn confronts him over his behaviour, admitting she's in love with him. Although he feels the same, Jack struggles to trust her with his issues.

The Ghosts of Christmas Past Jun 8, 2014

As Christmas approaches, the inhabitants of Ash Park are haunted by memories of Christmas' past, the repercussions continuing to cast a long shadow over the years. As Sarah feared, George is thrown into turmoil by the horrifying account of her concentration camp experiences at the hands of the Nazis. Elizabeth is heartened by the tension between George and Sarah, assuming it is caused by differing attitudes towards James' situation. But Sarah once again proves to be a formidable adversary. Aware that he'll never properly move forward unless he's honest about his true nature, James takes Olivia and George to the scene of his kiss with Harry, challenging them to acknowledge who James really is. Furious to learn that Andrew is coming to stay for Christmas, Anna brings Gino to dinner.

What Your Heart Says Jun 1, 2014

At Sarah's insistence, George, Olivia and Sarah visit James, determined to assess the truth of his treatment. Sarah is particularly affected, having gone through similar tortures, all in the name of recovery. When James returns to Ash Park Anna is distraught to learn what James has been through, and the truth about her brother's sexuality. When Jack discovers Sarah's employment file is missing from the hospital Sarah is forced to tell George her darkest secret - it will be far worse coming from someone else. But in doing so, will she lose the man she loves?

A Kiss to Build a Dream On May 25, 2014

On the eve of Sarah and George's engagement party at Ash Park, Sarah's Aunt Peg arrives for the event, full of wonder at how much Sarah's life has changed, it's like a fairy tale. However Sarah confides in her aunt, desperately needing to speak her most dark, shameful secret to someone. She believes she can't marry George without telling him. Intending to invite his son to the party, George attempts to visit James in the hospital but is fobbed off by Dr Milson. Left unsettled by the exchange, he expresses his unease to Elizabeth, who reassures him - she has absolute faith in the doctor and his treatment.

I Believe May 18, 2014

In the aftermath of Bert's death and its subsequent cover-up, those involved search for inner peace. But while Sarah battles her own demons, she is well aware that Colin's suffering is tenfold. James' treatment continues to cause him suffering and Jack is determined for answers after Carolyn's revelation.

No Secrets, Ever May 11, 2014

In the aftermath of Bert's death and its subsequent cover-up, those involved search for inner peace. But while Sarah battles her own demons, she is well aware that Colin's suffering is tenfold. James' treatment continues to cause him suffering and Jack is determined for answers after Carolyn's revelation.

Secret Love Jul 21, 2013

James sees a psychiatrist who agrees to treat his sexuality, but James and Olivia's hopes of a brighter future are challenged when George arrives and confronts his son. Anna is relieved when Gino believes that she miscarried and they decide to tell their families of their intention to marry. Elizabeth's spirits are buoyed by Regina's seizure of Sarah's job application records, knowing they will help Regina dig up the skeletons of Sarah's past in Europe. But a bigger shock is in store for everyone when a dead body floats on the surface of the river near Ash Park. But who is it?

New Beginning Jul 14, 2013

George is delighted when Sarah agrees to marry him, but when Elizabeth discovers her threat to disinherit George has backfired, she resolves to take a different approach. Meanwhile, Anna encounters complications with her pregnancy.

True to Your Heart Jul 7, 2013

Newly discharged from hospital, Elizabeth is unimpressed by the proprietorial way Regina is behaving towards George and asks her to leave. With tension in the house and James's secretly growing feelings for Harry, Olivia and James agree that the best chance for their family lies in the city. After learning about his affair with Sarah, Elizabeth demands George end it, but he refuses. Meanwhile, Anna tells Gino she is expecting.

Lest We Forget Jun 30, 2013

On the eve of Remembrance Day, George is asked to host a Japanese trade delegation. Knowing how the community will feel, George asks Jack to come to the reception in the hope that the approval of a former Japanese POW might help deal with any ill feeling, but Elizabeth is concerned about Jack's ability to handle the situation.

Cane Toad Jun 23, 2013

Sarah and George begin a secret affair and start meeting at the cottage for their romantic trysts. Anna attempts to subtly push her father towards Sarah, hoping that if she can get them together then he will be more open to learning about her relationship with Gino, but she is frustrated by the arrival of her aunt Regina.

Worlds Apart Jun 16, 2013

Elizabeth is rushed to hospital where Jack confirms she has suffered a heart attack. Jack tenderly looks after Elizabeth as she recovers. Heavily sedated and rambling, Elizabeth comes close to revealing a secret of her past. Elizabeth's frail health sees Anna and Gino decide to postpone telling their families about their relationship, but when Carla finds Anna's contraception hidden in her room, she becomes suspicious and confronts Gino.

Boom Jun 9, 2013

Receiving word that her mother is gravely ill, Sarah gets a lift to Sydney with George and Anna. Elizabeth takes the decision to reveal her deepest, darkest secret in the hope that it can help James and Olivia.

That's Amore Jun 2, 2013

Anna and Gino's romance continues to blossom as they sneak off to spend time together, even though it's clear that something about their secret trysts is playing on Gino's mind. At Ash Park, Olivia and James's relationship is at breaking point as Olivia struggles with the identity of James' lover.

Day of Atonement May 26, 2013

Yom Kippur is approaching and Sarah performs a mikveh in the local creek – a spiritual, cleansing ritual that's unfortunately witnessed by Doris Collins. But while Sarah finds it hard to deal with Doris' reaction to her nudity, it is Sarah's own, personal demons that she is struggling with most. The wealthy Swanson family visit inverness as Andrew, their handsome and extremely eligible son, hopes to impress Anna.

Mona Lisa Smile May 19, 2013

The horrors of the war cast a long, unwelcome shadow over Inverness as Jack heads out around town with Sarah on her first day at work. Unable to stop wondering about the woman James admitted to loving in Europe, Olivia searches for any memento he may have kept of her. It is in her wedding album that she makes the shocking discovery of who the person he loved is.

Truth Will Out May 12, 2013

Sarah's annoyance at the invasion of her privacy turns to anger when she is questioned by Jack. Unwilling to be drawn into a defence of her character Sarah does the one thing no-one ever expected.

The Welcome Mat May 5, 2013

Warned by George about Doris' gossiping ways, Sarah proves a dab hand at deflecting her many leading questions – much to both Doris' frustration. At Ash Park, while Olivia remains feeling unwell and disconcerted by James' continued distance, it's Elizabeth who's the most put out – irritated by the fact Sarah continues to be the talk of the dinner table. But, alerted by James to the fact that her continued disparaging of Sarah is starting to raise eyebrows Elizabeth decides to allay suspicion by inviting Sarah to a fundraising concert at the local hospital.

The Prodigal Daughter Apr 28, 2013

Working her passage home aboard an ocean liner, Sarah becomes involved in the lives of the Blighs, a wealthy Australian pastoralist family. She develops an immediate connection with handsome and charming widower George, as well as his modern young daughter Anna and withdrawn daughter-in-law Olivia. But it is when Sarah unwittingly discovers a potentially scandalous Bligh family secret that her future becomes forever linked with theirs.

A Place to Call Home - The Final Chapter Aug 12, 2018

A look behind the scenes of season 6 which is the final season.

The Story So Far Oct 1, 2017

Including behind the scenes footage and cast interviews, host Abby Earl presents some of the series most memorable moments and gives you a sneak peek at the new season.

When will be A Place to Call Home next episode air date?

A Place to Call Home Canceled and Series Not Returning for Season 7.

Is The A Place to Call Home renewed or cancelled?

Latest Episode was 10/21/2018 and now is Canceled. Previous episodes of A Place to Call Home can be found on Seven Network, Soho, Showcase

Where to countdown A Place to Call Home air dates?

You could see all of 7 Seasons AIR DATES at this page.

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