One Born Every Minute Canceled Channel 4 Series Not Returning for Season 12

Genres: Drama, Medical
Status: Canceled
Station: Channel 4
Latest Episode: 5/9/2018
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Becoming a mother and giving birth to a child is one of the most amazing feats of nature

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Episode 10 May 9, 2018

Lauren, who's 33, and Rachel, who's 36, have one daughter together, who was conceived by a donor and who Lauren carried. Rachel always wanted to be a genetic parent too, but after an egg-sharing process failed and she had a miscarriage, she accepted that she may never be a genetic parent, and now Lauren is carrying their second child, as they plan to become a family of four. Laura, who's 37, and Paul, who's 40, were friends for years, and then love blossomed. Between them they have nine children and now they have another one on the way.

Episode 9May 2, 2018
Episode 8 Apr 25, 2018

Rose, who's 26, and Darren, who's 31, are expecting their first child together. But Rose had a stroke while she was pregnant and, during surgery, she lost sight in one eye. The medication she's on poses a risk to the baby, so they hope that all will go well when they arrive at the hospital for their planned C-section. Unplanned pregnancies are nothing new for Chynna and her partner Spencer, who are both 21.

Episode 7 Apr 18, 2018

After a string of failed relationships, Jess, who's 27, met perfect gentleman Leon, who's 33, on a bus. Leon's a drummer from a musical family, but doesn't yet have the rock 'n' roll lifestyle he dreams of. He has a teenage daughter from a previous relationship and it breaks his heart that he doesn't see her as often as he'd like, so he's looking forward to starting family life together with Jess. Sarah, who's 40, was desperate to become a mum, but couldn't find the right man to be a dad. Then 'fate' brought her and Tom, who's 29, together. The age gap didn't hold them back and the last five years have been a whirlwind.

Episode 6 Apr 11, 2018

Chantell, who's 34, had a troubled upbringing and never thought she'd find love or have a family of her own. Then she met Phil, who's 33, and everything changed. They've overcome all the challenges life has thrown at them and are looking forward to the birth of their third child together. Meanwhile, after turning to an old wives' tale, and some bicarbonate of soda, to discover the gender of their unborn baby, Emily, who's 20, and Nathan, who's 25, went for a scan and discovered that they were right, it was a boy.

Episode 5 Apr 4, 2018

After seven years trying and two failed rounds of IVF, 33-year-old Jo and 47-year-old Pat thought they would never have children, until a visit to a clairvoyant offered them hope. They arrive at Birmingham Women's Hospital to be induced, but discover that getting their baby out into the world is almost as troublesome as getting pregnant in the first place. April, who's 27, is having her third baby, with support from her little sister Chloe, who's 20. They fought like cat and dog when they shared a bedroom, but grew closer when April had children and Chloe stepped in to help. They hope that April's new baby and its siblings will have as close a bond as they now have.

Episode 4 Mar 28, 2018

Beth, who's 23, found love with 24-year-old David on a Harry Potter website. But he lived 6000 miles away in the US so they've only spent two weeks together. But now he's back in Birmingham for the birth of his baby daughter. Kathereen from Colombia, who's 28, and Birmingham-born Nick, who's 40, found love in an Irish pub in China. Now they're expecting baby number two. And, when Gavin met Carla 15 years ago she wasn't remotely interested in him, but two years later they met again and fell in love. They hope their new baby son will be their second miracle.

Episode 3 Mar 21, 2018

Sunny, who's 41, fell in love with 32-year-old Shay on the set of a Bollywood film but Shay's mother didn't approve of their relationship. Now, 14 years later, the couple are expecting their first child. And Ashley, who's 35, is determined to right the wrongs of his own childhood with a family of his own. He and Gemma, who's 30, are expecting their fourth child together.

Episode 2Mar 14, 2018
Episode 1 Mar 7, 2018

Samantha, who's 25, was determined not to marry into the army, but when she met military man Tony, who's 29, love blossomed. Having had leukaemia as a child, Samantha struggled for years to conceive, and heartbreakingly the couple lost their first child at 25 weeks. They return to Birmingham Women's Hospital hoping to welcome their new baby in to the world, but, with Samantha's complicated medical history, the birth isn't without challenges. Meanwhile, 44-year-old Rav didn't plan to meet someone at work.

Episode 11 Jun 27, 2017

This episode explores life at Liverpool Women's Hospital through the eyes of male midwife Chris, a former navy trauma medic. Like Chris, 22-year-old Kiefer knows what it's like to be a man in a woman's world. His upbringing in a strong female household has made him eager to be the ultimate birthing partner for his girlfriend Sophie. But following life-threatening complications during the birth of their first child, can Kiefer hold it together this time? Third-time mum Amanda, who's 32, arrives mid-contractions, with her sister Michelle by her side. They both hope that the birthing experience will bring them closer together. Having previously suffered a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy, 33-year-old Rhoanne is excited about meeting her second baby, but when he gets stuck there's a race against time to deliver him.

Episode 10 Jun 20, 2017

When Jody, who's 29, and Chris, who's 32, arrive at Liverpool Women's Hospital, she'll be giving birth for the first time. It's a day that they thought would never come: after a struggle with infertility, they'd given up hope of having a child themselves and adopted a son. But one last try at IVF had surprising results. Meanwhile, Mormons Cameron, who's 23, and Hannah, who's 21, met through the church and married young. Their faith has taught them the importance of family, and they can't wait to become parents. They just need to get through labour first. And Lesley, who's 41, was desperate to become a mum but couldn't find a man who wanted to be a dad. Not letting that stand in her way, she turned to a sperm donor, and is now eagerly expecting her first child, who she plans to raise alone.

Episode 9 Jun 13, 2017

At the Liverpool Women's Hospital, it feels like the whole city has arrived at once to have their babies - the hospital faces a bed block crisis. Shift leader Sarah and the midwives have to juggle and prioritise to ensure everyone gets the care they need. Among those facing a wait is 34-year-old home care assistant Kristina, whose twins need to be delivered as quickly as possible and will need special care. She'll need to move to another hospital if space doesn't become available soon. Also on the wards are Amy, 25, and Dave, 28. They're expecting their first child together, but their Jehovah's Witness beliefs are tested when it becomes clear doctors will need to intervene in the birth. Jill, 21, and 24-year-old Dale are also having their first child together, though Jill had her first baby when she was 16. She feels more prepared this time round, and Dale wants to make the most of being a dad.

Episode 8 Jun 6, 2017

Sarah, who's 32, and Stephen, who's 37, had the shock of their lives when they found out they were expecting twins. Sarah and her mum Pat are both midwives at Liverpool Women's Hospital and know only too well what can go wrong, but they have to let go of their fears to concentrate on the twins' safe arrival. Holly, who's 19, and 20-year-old Nick surprised Holly's mum Michelle, who's 41, by announcing their planned pregnancy. Michelle struggles to let go of the idea of Holly being her little girl as Holly becomes a mother herself. And Tasha, who's 27, and Jonny, who's 31, went through a traumatic birth with their first child, Nevaeh. As they come in to have their second and last child, a planned C section enables them to banish their fears of history repeating itself.

Episode 7 May 16, 2017

'Tattooed lady' Sazzie and 'scary biker' Adam are having their first baby. So are Jen, who has Crohn's disease, and ex-soldier John. Meanwhile, Jeannie is having her fourth and final baby.

Episode 6 May 9, 2017

Being unable to control her labour heightens 24-year-old first-time mum Natasha's anxiety. Natasha's partner Andrew is the rock that stands between her and a condition that has driven her to the brink in the past. The struggle to conceive their first baby took control of 33-year-old Erika and 44-year-old Jez's sex life, and became an exhausting regime for Jez. They're now on baby number two, and Erika has learned that, when it comes to childbirth, not everything goes to plan. Emma, who's 29, and James, who's 36, lost control of their shared passion for food when they first met, and their weight ballooned. After Emma was given the all-clear from a cervical cancer diagnosis, the couple decided to give themselves the best chance possible of starting a family by losing 11 stone between them.

Episode 5 May 2, 2017

Sarah and her mum Pat are both midwives at Liverpool Women's Hospital, and now Sarah's expecting twins. Tasha previously had a traumatic birth and is now having her second child.

Episode 4 Apr 25, 2017

Louise is having her first child at 45, after fearing for years that she might never experience motherhood. But she's had a heart-breaking split with her baby's father, Dan, and they haven't seen each other for a few months. They both have a lot of soul-searching to do as he arrives to support her during labour. Jess is 16 and has always wanted a sibling. Her mum Elaine and stepdad Jeff found it difficult to conceive, but now Elaine is at Liverpool Women's Hospital to give birth, and her labour is an eye-opener for Jess, who says she's 'scarred for life'! Fang and Zhaoliang both grew up under China's infamous one-child policy, so neither of them has a sibling. A surprise pregnancy is a 'beautiful accident' that will give their son a welcome playmate and bring balance and harmony to their family.

Episode 3 Apr 18, 2017

Musicians Lucy and James are putting rehearsals on hold to have a baby. Laura and Mike fell in love in hospital when Laura was dangerously ill. They're expecting their second son.

Episode 2 Apr 11, 2017

It took 30-year-old Louise and her husband Andy six years to conceive. After such a long struggle, they're finally looking forward to meeting their longed-for baby and showing it off to Andy's worried stepmum Olwen, who's a health care assistant at the hospital. Sammy, who's 23, is about to have her third baby. An undiagnosed condition drove a wedge between Sammy and her mum, when her bad behaviour was put down to teenage hormones, until a long-awaited diagnosis of endometriosis when she was 19 enabled them to build bridges.

Episode 1 Apr 4, 2017

'Friends with benefits' Jodie and Stephen are expecting a baby together. Derroll is a devoted stepfather to Maria's four children and now they hope to have a baby together.

Episode 9 May 18, 2016

In this episode, the subject of friendship is under the spotlight. Childhood best mates Karra and Danny have a three-year-old son with a rare condition, who requires 24-hour care. Now awaiting the arrival of their third child, they realise it's their deep friendship that has helped them cope and given them their positive outlook on life. Cathryn and Dean became best friends after meeting at a fracture clinic. Six years on, their relationship has taken an unexpected twist. And both Mandy and Melvyn were born unable to hear. Having already had one hearing child, they hope that having another will bring the sound of chattering children into their home.

Episode 8 May 11, 2016

After giving up on men, 34-year-old beautician Maria unexpectedly fell for her builder, David. Life's plan seems to finally be coming together, but some worrying news about their unborn baby puts their life on hold. Meanwhile, sometimes opposites really do attract, like perfect prefect Ruby and teenage rebel Colin. After the birth of their first child, their opposing personalities were put to the test when 26-year-old doctor Ruby suffered with post-natal depression. As they wait for the arrival of their second child, will it be Ruby's hard working ethos or Colin's jokey ways that help get them through? And, with a third baby on the way, 34-year-old Gary is proud to be raising a family of his own with his partner Louise, on the estate he grew up to love.

Episode 7 May 4, 2016

Thirty-five-year-old career woman Charlene is struggling to comes to terms with the fact that she's about to become a mum, after dedicating her life to climbing the career ladder. Charlene's mum Marion and Aunt Bev use Liverpudlian humour to help her through the final stages of labour. Jess, who's 21, fell pregnant after a short fling and only truly believed the news when she saw her first scan. She hopes that with help from her flatmate Lauren, who's at her bedside, she can learn to become the best mum possible. And Sam, who's 41, swore she'd never have another child after having a traumatic birth with her first child, but when she lost her own mum she re-thought plans. And now she's convinced that her late mother is in the labour room with her.

Episode 6 Apr 26, 2016

This episode explores life at Liverpool Women's Hospital through the eyes of its only male midwife, former navy trauma medic Chris. Like midwife Chris, 22-year-old Kiefer knows what it's like to be a man in a woman's world. His upbringing in a strong female household has made him eager to be the ultimate birthing partner for his girlfriend Sophie. But following life-threatening complications during the birth of their first child, can Kiefer hold it together this time? Third-time mum Amanda, who's 32, arrives mid-contractions with her sister Michelle. They both hope the birthing experience will bring them closer together. And, having previously suffered a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy, Rhoanne, who's 33, is excited about meeting her second baby, but when he gets stuck there's a race against time to deliver him.

Episode 5 Apr 19, 2016

This episode explores the secrets of a good relationship. Kirstine and Phil have not spent a day apart in four years, but following an emergency during labour the pair find themselves separated. How will they cope? Thirty-two-year-old independent businesswoman Tyla doesn't need a man in her life - much to her mum Rhona's dismay - but as she awaits the arrival of her third child, Tyla starts to reconsider her romantic future. Spanish nurses 25-year-old Carlota, and 35-year-old Javier epitomise the perfect relationship, but the pair quickly realise that labour can be challenging even for the very best of partnerships.

Episode 4 Apr 12, 2016

The dads are under the spotlight at Liverpool Women's Hospital in this new episode as three very different men prepare for fatherhood. Midwife Kirsty - who's a self-confessed daddy's girl - looks after Rebecca and Jack: a soldier who's more confident about going into battle than he is about changing nappies. Mum Billie arrives with her ex-partner Nathan. Although they're apart, they hope they can raise their child together. And John, who has always wanted to be a dad, hopes some of his broodiness will rub off on his girlfriend Natalie.

Episode 3 Apr 5, 2016

The new series continues. First-time parents Rochalla and her unflappable partner Craig arrive ten days overdue. Rochalla's shock pregnancy defied medical odds as she conceived just weeks after an aggressive course of chemotherapy. But as the labour progresses, how do they feel about being back in hospital? Train driver Kieron, who's 44, and his wife Joanne, who's 42, like everything to run like clockwork and find it hard to kick their clockwatching habit during labour. And self-confessed ladies' man Michael has curbed his bad boy ways after meeting his perfect match, Natalia, who is having her fourth child by caesarean section.

Episode 2 Mar 29, 2016

The midwives at Liverpool Women's Hospital face the mother of all shifts. With the maternity ward full, three couples manage to get a room, but have different experiences. Self-confessed princess Sarah and her devoted fiancé Chris arrive eight weeks earlier than expected. Chris pampers Sarah endlessly as a distraction from panicking, but complications during labour bring them face to face with their worst nightmare. Big kid Gary strives to grow up and become the responsible father and husband that his partner Claire demands. And Mormons Chloe and Daniel hope their new baby will bring them a step closer to the large and busy family they dream of.

Episode 1 Mar 22, 2016

Nineteen years after becoming the first triplet to be delivered at Liverpool Women's Hospital Kirsty has returned to have a baby of her own. After unexpectedly becoming pregnant, Jo is now living at home with her parents, meaning a busy retirement for first-time grandparents Jean and John.

Episode 7Sep 2, 2015
Episode 6Aug 26, 2015
Episode 5Aug 19, 2015
Episode 4Aug 12, 2015
Episode 3Aug 5, 2015
Episode 2Jul 29, 2015
Episode 1Jul 22, 2015
Episode 7Apr 21, 2015
Episode 6Apr 14, 2015
Episode 5Apr 7, 2015
Episode 4Mar 31, 2015
Episode 3Mar 24, 2015
Episode 2Mar 17, 2015
Episode 1Mar 10, 2015
Episode 10Aug 13, 2014
Episode 9Aug 6, 2014
Episode 8Jul 30, 2014
Episode 7Jul 23, 2014
Episode 6Jul 16, 2014
Episode 5Jul 9, 2014
Episode 4Jul 2, 2014
Episode 3Jun 25, 2014
Episode 2Jun 18, 2014
Episode 1Jun 11, 2014
Episode 10Apr 28, 2014
Episode 9Apr 21, 2014
Episode 8Apr 14, 2014
Episode 7Apr 7, 2014
Episode 6Mar 31, 2014
Episode 5Mar 24, 2014
Episode 4Mar 17, 2014
Episode 3Mar 10, 2014
Episode 2Mar 3, 2014
Episode 1Feb 24, 2014
Episode 14Apr 3, 2013
Episode 13Mar 27, 2013
Episode 12Mar 20, 2013
Episode 11Mar 13, 2013
Episode 10Mar 6, 2013
Episode 9Feb 27, 2013
Episode 8Feb 20, 2013
Episode 7Feb 13, 2013
Episode 6Feb 6, 2013
Episode 5Jan 30, 2013
Episode 4Jan 23, 2013
Episode 3Jan 16, 2013
Episode 2Jan 9, 2013
Episode 1Jan 2, 2013
What Happened NextApr 5, 2012
Episode 14Apr 4, 2012
Episode 13Mar 28, 2012
Episode 12Mar 21, 2012
Episode 11Mar 14, 2012
Episode 10Mar 7, 2012
Episode 9Feb 29, 2012
Episode 8Feb 22, 2012
Episode 7Feb 15, 2012
Episode 6Feb 8, 2012
Episode 5Feb 1, 2012
Episode 4Jan 25, 2012
Episode 3Jan 18, 2012
Episode 2Jan 11, 2012
Episode 1Jan 4, 2012
Episode 13Apr 4, 2011
Episode 12Mar 28, 2011
Episode 11Mar 21, 2011
Episode 10Mar 14, 2011
Episode 9Mar 7, 2011
Episode 8Feb 28, 2011
Episode 7Feb 21, 2011
Episode 6Feb 14, 2011
Episode 5Feb 7, 2011
Episode 4Jan 31, 2011
Episode 3Jan 24, 2011
Episode 2Jan 17, 2011
Episode 1Jan 10, 2011
Episode 8Mar 30, 2010
Episode 7Feb 23, 2010
Episode 6Mar 16, 2010
Episode 5Mar 9, 2010
Episode 4Mar 2, 2010
Episode 3Feb 23, 2010
Episode 2Feb 16, 2010
Episode 1Feb 9, 2010

When will be One Born Every Minute next episode air date?

One Born Every Minute Canceled and Series Not Returning for Season 12.

Is The One Born Every Minute renewed or cancelled?

Latest Episode was 5/9/2018 and now is Canceled. Previous episodes of One Born Every Minute can be found on Channel 4

Where to countdown One Born Every Minute air dates?

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