Poldark Canceled BBC One Series Not Returning for Season 6

Genres: Drama, Romance
Status: Canceled
Station: BBC One
Latest Episode: 8/26/2019
Created by: Debbie Horsfield
Official site: www.bbc.co.uk

Poldark is a British TV drama series based on Winston Graham’s 12-book novels.

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Episode 8 Aug 26, 2019

Several months have passed and Ross has got in deeper with the French invasion force as they prepare to welcome their leader General Toussaint. Meanwhile, Morwenna and Drake are ready to welcome their baby, while George stumbles on the means to undo Ross once and for all with the help of Merceron and Hanson. Ross and his friends must launch their most daring plan yet to try to save themselves and the country from enemies both at home and abroad.

Episode 7 Aug 25, 2019

Demelza discovers the French are smuggling arms into Cornwall, but Ross is determined to take revenge on Merceron and Hanson for framing Ned and returns to London to confront them. Sam continues to meet with Tess against all caution as Cecily and Geoffrey Charles plan their escape with Ross's help, but the danger that stalks the Poldarks follows swiftly.

Episode 6 Aug 18, 2019

Ross fights for Ned's life as Demelza uncovers betrayal and the young lovers take flight for a future together.

Episode 5 Aug 11, 2019

George's cabal moves to ruin the Poldarks, and Morwenna wrestles with a heavy decision.

Episode 4 Aug 4, 2019

Ralph seeks to ruin Ned as rebellion stirs and the Poldarks are trapped in the middle.

Episode 3 Jul 28, 2019

Hanson's presence in Cornwall raises suspicions, and as Demelza wrestles with how best to equip the community to look after itself, Morwenna lends herself to the cause and finds new hope. Geoffrey Charles and Cecily's relationship continues to blossom. Meanwhile her father Ralph pursues an arrangement with George, but George's sanity continues to deteriorate and Cary struggles under mounting responsibilities.

Episode 2 Jul 21, 2019

George pursues the fruits of his new alliance, but his lingering grief has unexpected consequences, and as Ned confronts the man responsible for his downfall, Demelza fears they are entangled with forces beyond their control. Meanwhile, Drake and Morwenna continue tentative steps forward in their relationship, Geoffrey Charles learns he must tread carefully if he is to gain Cecily's father's favour, and Ross tries to find a man who may hold the key to clearing Ned's name, but finds himself in a compromising situation.

Episode 1 Jul 14, 2019

As Demelza manages their affairs in Cornwall she encounters disenchantment and a new opponent, Tess. George meanwhile struggles to engage with the world after Elizabeth's death and it falls to Cary to expand the family empire - as Valentine struggles to find his place within it.
Arriving in London, Ross finds a city gripped with paranoia, and is determined to save Ned from the conspiracy that imprisoned him. George enters into an alliance with the merchant behind Ned's imprisonment, Ralph Hanson, whose business is in upholding the slave trade. Meanwhile, Geoffrey Charles decides to follow in Ross's footsteps and enter the military - but also finds himself drawn to Cecily Hanson, Ralph's daughter.
As George's grief leads the Warleggans into uncharted and worrying territory, Ross discovers a grave plot and is urged to heroism, while Demelza is forced into action herself back at home.

Episode 8 Jul 29, 2018

Elizabeth obtains a tonic designed to induce an early labour, hoping to persuade George that Valentine is his child once and for all - but the Warleggans' rift is plain as they return to Cornwall. Ross returns to Cornwall to mend things with Demelza, realising he killed Adderley because he could not kill Hugh.

Morwenna seeks out Drake and this time Elizabeth does not seek to intervene - but when George returns home to find Morwenna with Elizabeth in Trenwith, he banishes Morwenna from the estate.

Spurred by George's ferocity, Elizabeth takes her potion and a painful labour commences. Dwight is on hand, but when Ross hears of Elizabeth's continuing ailment he rides immediately to Trenwith...

Episode 7 Jul 22, 2018

The Poldarks, Enyses and Warleggans enjoy London's distractions. George dotes on Elizabeth, delighting at the prospect of an heir and announcing plans to host a charity ball, but their domestic bliss soon comes under threat. At the Warleggan ball Adderley takes a fancy to Demelza, betting George he'll cuckold Ross within a month, which gives rise to deadly complications.

Episode 6 Jul 15, 2018

After it is revealed that Nathaniel Pearce embezzled Pascoe's client's funds, the Warleggans take action. In London, Ross finds Geoffrey Charles led astray by Adderley. Sam convinces Drake to return from exile following his abandonment of Rosina and Morwenna's subsequent rejection, and Morwenna reveals some news. Meanwhile, Dwight helps in the development of Truro's infirmary.

Episode 5 Jul 8, 2018

George increases the strain on the struggling poor, driving Ross to make a risky gambit. The adversity the Poldarks face, however, may not be confined to Cornwall alone.

Episode 4 Jul 1, 2018

While George furthers his return to Westminster, Ross is reunited with his family at home. Tragedy strikes in Cornwall, however, forcing him from the quiet life into action again.

Episode 3 Jun 24, 2018

Ross makes his maiden speech in parliament and finds himself a little notoriety in London where he also reunites with a now adolescent Geoffrey Charles. In Cornwall, Demelza contends with a failing mine and fixing Drake's broken heart. Dwight and Caroline welcome a baby daughter, Sarah, into the world but Dwight's happiness is short-lived as he makes a disturbing diagnosis. Ossie meanwhile tends to a dying parishioner, Nathaniel Pearce, who confesses to losing his clients' money on bad investments, money secured in Pascoe's bank. He takes the information to the Warleggans in the hope of selling the information. George hosts an extravagant party at Trenwith in the hope of buying his way back into Parliament via purchasing a borough. His new friend, the dangerous socialite Monk Adderley, makes the necessary introductions to set George on his way.

Episode 2 Jun 17, 2018

The Poldarks determine to get their relationship back on track and the Enyses announce they're with child.

Hugh's worsening health threatens his chance to stand in the election however, and the prospect of him remaining in Cornwall adds pressure to the Poldark's fragile marriage. At the Sawle Feast, Tom Harry challenges Sam to a wrestling match. When Emma offers herself as the prize, Sam accepts.

To everyone's horror Hugh continues to worsen and remains unfit to stand in the election. Falmouth offers the candidacy to Ross but will he accept?

Episode 1 Jun 10, 2018

Prime Minister Pitt calls an election and uncertainty grips the country. While Ross watches Cornwall suffer under the power of Truro's MP, George Warleggan, Demelza's infidelity leaves her torn between her husband and a lovesick Hugh, who is set to rival George in the upcoming election.

The Enyses contemplate having a child and Elizabeth seeks the same to secure her marriage. Meanwhile, Morwenna uses Osborne's affair with her sister Rowella to keep the reverend's advances at bay, and Demelza seeks to reconcile rival local Lords Falmouth and Basset.

A corn riot erupts in Truro, and Zacky's son Jago leads the charge. Sam Carne and Drake Carne attempt to dissuade him but arrive too late, and a merchant is killed in the fighting. Tom Harry tells George that the Carnes and Jago murdered the man, and Ross finds himself powerless to save his brothers-in-law...

Episode 9 Aug 6, 2017

The Poldark family finds itself challenged on all fronts and threatened as never before.

Episode 8 Jul 30, 2017

Ross is adamant George will lose in the election and determines to get a headstone made for Agatha's grave, something Trenwith has neglected.

George, meanwhile, questions Dwight over Valentine's legitimacy and - paranoid and jealous - shuts himself to Elizabeth, as Rowella begins to seduce Osborne Whitworth and Demelza receives tokens of Hugh's affection.

Sam continues to pine after Emma, as Dwight instructs Osborne to forego intercourse with Morwenna and Cary informs Lord Falmouth that the Warleggans will be opposing Falmouth in the election.

Ross returns from his mine to discover Hugh Armitage at Nampara with Demelza - and this time Hugh's attention does not go unnoticed...

Episode 7 Jul 23, 2017

George learns of a vacant seat in Parliament for a Member of Truro and decides to pursue it. Elizabeth and Agatha prepare for Agatha's 100th birthday party, to George's chagrin, and Caroline hosts a fake wedding reception to which the great and good are invited.

Episode 6 Jul 16, 2017

The Poldarks learn that their friend Dr Enys needs immediate care, suffering distress following his internment in France. In reaction to Ross' rescue of Hugh Armitage, George desperately needs to secure a connection to the nobility and so plans to force Morwenna's marriage to Osborne. Geoffrey Charles gives Drake his bible as a gift and naively reveals that Morwenna is to be wed. Drake confronts Morwenna and she agrees to marry him instead. Morwenna returns to Trenwith to tell George and Elizabeth that she will refuse Ossie's offer of marriage. Out of spite, George has Drake arrested for the theft of Geoffrey Charles' valuable bible, a crime for which Drake will hang.

Episode 5 Jul 9, 2017

The French Royalists plan an invasion, which Caroline hopes will lead to Dwight's release. However, Ross is convinced this will only make matters worse, and recruits a band of allies, including Tholly, Zacky, Drake and Henshawe, to help him free Dwight from prison. George schemes to further his political ambitions, and when he learns of Ross' plan, he uses it as a means to discredit his rival, accusing him of recklessness - a charge that may prove true when the rescue mission proves to have fatal consequences.

Episode 4 Jul 2, 2017

A grain ship grain is raided by starving villagers, and George proves merciless as the new magistrate, and arranges a harsh punishment for the desperate peasants while throwing a lavish Christmas party to impress the local gentry. Caroline hears news that the Admiralty has arranged for the release of the British officers, but Ross is not convinced. Demelza gives birth to a daughter, and warns Morwenna against a relationship with Drake. Ross discovers the means to both help Dwight and combat Cornwall's famine.

Episode 3 Jun 25, 2017

Ross and Tholly meet their contact Jacques Clisson in France, and Sam leads a large congregation of Methodists in song outside the church walls. Despite George's promise to be generous to his tenants to further his ambition of becoming a burgess, he revokes the Methodist's property lease. Clisson drives a hard bargain with Ross for his information, and George leads Caroline to expect the worst regarding Dwight.

Episode 2 Jun 18, 2017

As Elizabeth becomes more ambivalent about Valentine, George courts Sir Francis Basset for the vacant magistracy position. Ross is reintroduced to Tholly Tregirls, an old friend of his father's and a ne'er-do-well who has returned to area. Verity returns to Trenwith, awaiting word from her husband, Andrew, whose ship is en route to Lisbon, while Elizabeth feels the sting of Morwenna and Geoffrey Charles's connection.

Episode 1 Jun 11, 2017

Ross and Demelza look to forget the past and rebuild their marriage, but new arrivals threaten their fragile reconciliation.

Episode 10 Nov 6, 2016

Elizabeth tells George that she is carrying his child and George continues to mark his territory by erecting fences around Trenwith, denying commoners passage across his property.

Dwight learns of Caroline's new engagement and enlists in the navy. Ross decides he must mend the rift between Caroline and Dwight before it is too late.

Ross is called to Trenwith by George, suspicious that the purchase of Geoffrey Charles' share in the mine was fraudulent. Pascoe reveals to Ross that George will seek to bankrupt him through court proceedings.

Demelza is assaulted for trespassing on Warleggan land provoking the villagers to march on Trenwith with vengeance in mind - will Ross be able to disband the mob?

Elizabeth, meanwhile, is forced to face the possibility that her pregnancy might not, in fact, be the result of her union with George.

Episode 9 Oct 30, 2016

Demelza refuses to speak to Ross and expects him to return to Elizabeth, abandoning her and Jeremy.
Elizabeth and Agatha believe the same and Elizabeth writes to George to postpone the wedding. George rides to Trenwith to make Elizabeth agree to another date, ensuring his plans are not usurped. In Truro, Tonkin invites Ross to join him in a prospering shipbuilding partnership.
Meanwhile, Demelza accepts Sir Hugh Bodrugan's invitation to his ball, where she finds Captain McNeil, inviting him to her room, having justified the possibility of adultery as something Ross has driven her to. Ross finds Demelza on Hendrawna Beach but hasn't the words to build a bridge between them.
Ross is beckoned to the mine where they have cleared the collapse and come upon the richest lode of tin Henshawe has ever seen - may Ross soon may be free of debt?

Episode 8 Oct 23, 2016

Ross and Dwight stand trial for their part in the smuggling. A new tin lode gives Ross renewed hope in Wheal Grace, but it is George who is there for Elizabeth when her mother falls ill and deals Ross a bitter blow.

Episode 7 Oct 16, 2016

Caroline convinces Dwight they must elope for a new life in Bat, as Ross sails with Trencrom to meet with Mark Daniel.

Caroline is forced to pull her plan forward but it is threatened when Rosina dislocates her knee again. Dwight believes he can treat her and still rendezvous with Caroline; however, he and Demelza become suspicious that Charlie Kempthorne is the informant when they learn he has avoided the smuggling run. Dwight confronts Charlie, and a fight ensues.

Demelza realises Ross will be walking into an ambush and attempts to warn the boat, but McNeil and his soldiers arrive at Nampara, leaving her under guard. Dwight incapacitates Charlie and escapes as Caroline sneaks out of Killewarren to meet him. Dwight attempts to warn Ross but is too late. Will Ross find a way to evade the soldiers?

Having paid men to harass Trenwith with the aim of driving Elizabeth to him for protection, George arrives at her home and posts his men to guard Elizabeth, who is both shocked and grateful for George's attention. Dwight is released by the soldiers, but finds Caroline has already returned to London...

Episode 6 Oct 9, 2016

Francis' final breakthrough at Wheal Grace reveals nothing of value, so Ross meets with Trencrom to locate Mark Daniel and see if he can locate the copper in the mine.

Trencrom strikes a deal to build a secret cache at Nampara where he can store contraband, putting much needed money in Ross' pocket but adding unwanted risk. Dwight is hailed as a hero for restoring Rosina to health, to Caroline's amusement.

George calls in Ross's debt, which means Ross will almost certainly go to debtors' prison. Meanwhile, as Ross spends more time looking after the widowed Elizabeth, Demelza fears she is losing him.

Dwight is ordered by Ray Penvenen to stop meeting Caroline but defies him and, though advised against it, Ross sells his remaining shares in Wheal Leisure in order to purchase Geoffrey Charles' shares in Wheal Grace anonymously - his last means of protecting Elizabeth and Geoffrey Charles.

Episode 5 Oct 2, 2016

An informant in the smuggling ring poses a serious threat to all, and George buys Ross's debt to finally crush him. Meanwhile, Caroline returns to Cornwall to make an announcement, but it is Elizabeth who reveals a great secret.

Episode 4 Sep 25, 2016

Needing money to open a mine free of George's influence, Ross strikes a deal with a local smuggler. Dwight, meanwhile, tries to diagnose an epidemic and receives help from an anonymous benefactor.

Episode 3 Sep 18, 2016

Ross and Demelza face financial ruin, and George plans revenge on Jud. Francis, meanwhile, tries to rebuild his life and extends an invitation to Ross and Demelza.

Episode 2 Sep 11, 2016

As the election leads to rioting, Elizabeth goes to Bodmin herself. Demelza tries to influence the case by making a personal appeal to the judge, but George has a number of tricks up his sleeve as the day of the trial arrives.

Episode 1 Sep 4, 2016

Ross prepares for his trial as Demelza and Elizabeth try to help his cause. George does everything in his power to harm Ross, Francis wrestles with his conscience, and Dwight clashes with an entitled heiress, Caroline Penvenen.

Episode 8 Apr 26, 2015

In the final episode of the series, George expands the Warleggan empire, launching a new ship and bankrupting Carnmore. Ross blames Francis, but when Francis and Elizabeth fall sick with a life-threatening illness, Demelza risks her own life to save them.

Episode 7 Apr 19, 2015

Francis wrongly blames Ross for helping Verity elope with Andrew Blamey. Meanwhile, Mark suspects Dwight and Keren of having an affair, starting a chain of events which will have tragic consequences and threaten the safety of everyone at Nampara.

Episode 6 Apr 12, 2015

With Jim gravely ill in Bodmin jail, Ross and Dwight launch a desperate mission to save him. Demelza is excited to attend a grand ball held by George, who is determined to ruin Ross and his smelting company.

Episode 5 Apr 5, 2015

Demelza gives birth and resolves to help Verity reconcile with Captain Blamey. Ross welcomes old friend Dr Dwight Enys to Cornwall, and Francis's persistent gambling threatens the security of all he holds dear.

Episode 4 Mar 29, 2015

News of Ross and Demelza's marriage spreads through the community, damaging Wheal Leisure's prospects. Demelza is filled with anxiety when Francis and Elizabeth invite the newlyweds to spend Christmas at Trenwith.

Episode 3 Mar 22, 2015

Ross celebrates the opening of Wheal Leisure as rumours spread of a scandalous relationship between him and Demelza. Francis and Elizabeth celebrate the birth of their new son. Ross must fight to save his friend Jim, sparring in court with Reverend Halse.

Episode 2 Mar 15, 2015

2/8 Ross plans to reopen his family mine with Francis. Demelza struggles to fit in at Nampala.

Episode 1 Mar 8, 2015

Drama set in 1780s Cornwall. Ross Poldark returns from the battlefield to find his father dead, the estate in ruins and his sweetheart Elizabeth engaged to his cousin.

When will be Poldark next episode air date?

Poldark Canceled and Series Not Returning for Season 6.

Is The Poldark renewed or cancelled?

Latest Episode was 8/26/2019 and now is Canceled. Previous episodes of Poldark can be found on BBC One

Where to countdown Poldark air dates?

You could see all of 5 Seasons AIR DATES at this page.

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