The Chosen One Season 1 is yet to be announced by Netflix
In this captivating series, young protagonist discovers himself in awe as he begins to manifest extraordinary and divine powers. The subsequent events and revelations set the stage for a supernatural coming-of-age adventure as the young prodigy and his group of friends embark on a transformative journey through the Baja region. Along the way, they confront the potential to reshape their reality and challenge the beliefs of the world.
When will be The Chosen One next episode air date?
The Chosen One Season 1 is yet to be announced by Netflix.
Is The The Chosen One renewed or cancelled?
Latest Episode was and now is not renewed yet. The Chosen One is to be Premiered on Netflix
Where to countdown The Chosen One air dates?
You could see to countdown the Next season AIR DATES Season 1 on this page. Follow us and you find out it first. is your online-guide for tracking the Air Date of your favorite TV shows. Keep up with the Countdown to the next episode The Chosen One, stay informed about air dates, and never miss an episode of your beloved TV series. Simply add your preferred shows to “Watchlist” and let us handle the rest for you.
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