Two Doors Down Season 6: to Be Released in Late 2023 on BBC Two

Status: Late 2023
Latest Episode: 11/24/2023
Next Episode: To be scheduled
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Station: BBC Two
Genres: Comedy

Two Doors Down is a British sitcom television series airing on BBC Two. It is currently in its premiere series, broadcast since April 1, 2016.

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Name Air Dates
2022 Christmas Special Dec 23, 2022

As the snow begins to fall, it's a welcome break at the coffee shop after some busy Christmas shopping. Christine displays uncharacteristic generosity when she discovers she has more loyalty points on her card than she expected, while Michelle is annoyed that Alan has lost his wallet somewhere in town. Dismayed at the prospect of having to cancel her cards so close to Christmas, she sends him out to look for it again.

Christine 69 Nov 9, 2022

Beth and Eric are throwing Christine a 69th birthday party, but the celebration gets usurped by chat about a funeral, which leads Christine to start thinking about her own.

Dinner for Seven Nov 9, 2022

There's great excitement as Colin introduces the neighbours to his new partner, Anne Marie. But the gang are quickly taken aback by her enthusiastic approach to the dinner party.

Alan's Boot Nov 9, 2022

Alan is laid up on the sofa after an accident. Beth and Eric are looking after him when Christine arrives with goodies, and Colin can't wait to share details of internet dates.

Macaroni Nov 9, 2022

Colin is vulnerable after being unceremoniously dumped. Beth and Eric are doing their best, but conversation is already strained when Christine steams in demanding gory details.

Garden Party Nov 9, 2022

Taking advantage of the weather, the neighbours head for the back garden, but it's hardly relaxing as Beth fields criticisms of everything from her garden furniture to her slabs.

Aussie Holiday Nov 9, 2022

Chaos ensues as Ian and Gordon's pals park up at Beth and Eric's for their Aussie holiday, and an organised Morven becomes increasingly tense with Lin's lack of packing skills.

Brother Michael Jul 12, 2022

Over at Alan and Michelle's, Alan's bullying big brother Michael turns up to sort the rings for his wedding. Meanwhile, Christine catches Michelle on the street and persuades them to come over to Beth's so they can get a look at the groom. Christine goes on about how handsome and funny Michael is while managing to make everyone else feel inadequate. Especially Alan.

With the rings to keep safe, a list of chores to do and Colin showing off his sexy stripper moves, the gathering soon descends into chaos. He may be the best man, but it turns out nobody really has any confidence in Alan's abilities to do anything other than order two puddings at the meal – let alone make a speech.

Amalfi Friends Jul 12, 2022

Party-seeking Cathy and her hen-pecked husband Colin are back from an Italian holiday and excited to be hosting a soiree at their house - arranged for the purpose of showing off how popular they are.

They've invited Gail and Andy, the fabulous Amalfi Friends they met in Sorrento – but as the Duty Free wine flows and the guests of honour begin to bond a bit too much with the neighbours, Cathy and Colin's tensions soon bubble to the surface.

With Colin unashamedly competing with Andy to be the alpha male in the room - and Cathy desperately trying to cling on to the good times with Gail - their much anticipated party is left in tatters.

Doughnuts Jul 12, 2022

Michelle forces Alan to share his family box of donuts with the neighbours.

Over at Beth and Eric's, everyone is tucking into the sticky stuff when the new neighbours turn up at the door. Ash and Iqbal are welcomed with awkward stories about the previous owners and the local amenities, though it's when they reveal they work for the NHS that Ash and Iqbal really grab the neighbours' attention.

But Iqbal isn't the right kind of doctor for Christine and Ash reveals they don't eat takeaways, leaving everyone dumbfounded. Will it be happy ever after in Latimer Crescent for Ash and Iqbal?

Girls' Night Jul 12, 2022

Alan's off out and Michelle has invited Beth, Cathy and Christine over for a Girls' Night.

Cathy sets the tone by downing shots and the revelations soon flow about the annoying things their men do. But when Beth jokes about Christine's annoying habit – Christine takes the hump. It takes Michelle and a negotiation over a cheese toastie for Christine to forgive Beth.

With the tunes now on, the dancing begins and for a moment it seems as though nothing could come between these women. They even get a bit emotional. And when the girls decide to watch a film, Cathy jumps in with the suggestion they stick on a porno.

2021 Christmas Special Dec 20, 2021

It's merry and bright over at Michelle and Alan's as they welcome the neighbours for a Christmas get together. But with Beth and Eric agreeing to a last-minute invitation to spend Christmas away leaving Christine feeling vulnerable, Gordon irritating Ian with all his fussing, and Cathy desperate to find the ‘real' party, Michelle struggles to keep the evening on track. There are brief glimmers of harmony when the neighbours play a silly kazoo game and decide to do something special for Christine, but Alan's attempt to de-stress Ian backfires when Gordon ruins things for everyone.

Beth's Flu Dec 13, 2021

Beth is ill in bed and in desperate need of some rest. But the neighbours have decided Eric isn't coping and are convinced they know how to nurse Beth back to health.

Veggie Curry Dec 6, 2021

Beth has cooked a curry for Ian and Gordon's anniversary, but there's no such thing as a quiet family meal, what with the neighbours inviting themselves over and completely hijacking the occasion.

Christmas Special Dec 28, 2020

The neighbours head off on a rare trip away from Latimer Crescent, but the break at a luxury lodge in the Highlands threatens to derail their friendship when Cathy pushes Beth too far.

Housewarming Feb 11, 2019

As the episode opens, Michelle and Alan are making the last minute tidy-ups before the neighbours arrive for the housewarming of their freshly decorated home.

Beth and Eric are first in the door, followed by Christine wearing an eye patch (from a rogue newspaper eye-scratching incident), with Colin and Cathy not far behind.

Cathy is of course not backward in coming forward with less than complimentary comments about the couple's new-look home.

Then in comes Louise, Michelle's long-term friend, who has unexpectedly come by to drop off a housewarming gift. As Louise is deaf, she and Michelle talk in sign language, further frustrating Cathy's determination to be the centre of attention.

Overnight Feb 4, 2019

With their house in turmoil in the midst of the redecoration, new Latimer Crescent residents Alan and Michelle take refuge from the floor sanding at Beth and Eric's house.

Michelle is keen that they are not going to be a nuisance and tries to get to bed as early as possible, but just as she heads upstairs, Christine arrives bearing rhubarb. Hot on her heels are Cathy and Colin, who turn up with the leftovers from their restaurant meal.

And Alan realises that it is not easy to leave the sawdust behind - discovering it in the most inconvenient of places.

Graham & Sandra Jan 28, 2019

Gordon's parents Graham and Sandra visit Scotland from Yorkshire and Ian and Gordon bring them to Latimer Crescent to meet Beth and Eric. Christine turns up with her own take on the Scottish attractions to visit, at which point Ian and Gordon grab the opportunity to pop out for some herbal tea for Sandra.

When they get back, Cathy and Colin have arrived after sensing there may be the chance of a drink, and the chat has turned to further delights for visitors to Scotland. And the men step outside to admire Graham's beautifully restored vintage car. Despite the interference of the unexpected guests, the tea party is all going rather well until the conversation turns to Scotland's sporting successes.

Hospital Jan 21, 2019

Beth and Cathy think they are doing their good deed for the day when they drop Christine off at the hospital reception, but while Cathy manages to slip away, poor Beth doesn't get off so lightly and is committed to a visit post-op.

With a long list of demands from Christine, Beth and Eric return later with her supplies to find that instead of being sore and exhausted after surgery, she has been sleeping off her dinner. It emerges the operation has been postponed until the following morning.

As nurse Heather weathers Christine's demands, Colin arrives followed by Michelle and Alan. The ensuing group discussion leaves Christine very worried about her chances of survival.

Willie's Wake Jan 14, 2019

After an emotional funeral for his dad, Colin and Cathy have the neighbours round but understandably Colin is not his usual upbeat self.

Anniversary Jan 7, 2019

Beth and Eric think their son Ian is taking them out for their 30th wedding anniversary dinner - but find instead that he and his boyfriend Gordon have organised a surprise party at their house. And the gang's all there.

What more could you ask from a party? The buffet table is groaning with food, the champagne is flowing and Christine has brought a homemade trifle as a present.

Alan and Michelle Mar 5, 2018

The new couple on the street are invited to Beth's to meet the neighbours. Everyone warms to them except for Cathy, whose competitive instincts get a little out of hand.

Party Pieces Feb 26, 2018

The Bairds and Whytes arrive home from a pub quiz with Colin, miffed they only came third and mocking the winners for taking it far too seriously.

Beth reminds him they were raising money for charity and Cathy and Eric agree - until they learn that the winners walked away with a £50 M&S voucher.

Fish Friday Feb 19, 2018

To celebrate Beth's birthday, son Ian and his boyfriend Gordon are taking her and Eric out for a pub meal. Christine has no qualms about gate-crashing the family outing.

Break In Feb 12, 2018

In the third episode we discover that Cathy and Colin have been burgled.

They've just returned from holiday and Colin has called the police.

Colin is relatively cool about what has happened but Cathy's beside herself - the thief has taken her emergency stores of Valium. Knowing that an intruder has touched everything she can't stay in her own home a moment longer, so they decamp to Beth's for a cup of tea.

The Bairds' son Ian arrives with his boyfriend Gordon. They've been suiting themselves up for a wedding and so to take their minds off the burglary, everyone insists that the boys try the suits on.

Meanwhile Colin pops home to collect his and Cathy's gear for their sleepover and makes an extremely unwelcome discovery.

Eric's Colon Feb 5, 2018

Eric's patience is tested to the limit when his attempts to recover peacefully from a minor medical mishap are interrupted by his unruly neighbours.

Burns Supper Jan 29, 2018

In the first episode of the third series, a big meaty haggis for the neighbours and a tiny vegetarian one for Gordon are on the menu for Burns Night in Latimer Crescent.

Cathy and Colin, Ian and Gordon arrive to celebrate with Eric and Beth.

To everyone's surprise, Christine turns up. She's back early from visiting her daughter Sophie in North Wales, and is full of complaints about the trip. Sophie's new partner has clearly failed to impress. With news that Beth has freshened up the wee downstairs toilet, a viewing is a must for the whole party.

Christmas Special 2017 Dec 26, 2017

It's Christmas Day. Beth and Eric Baird dream of having a peaceful time but are constantly thwarted by the antics of their demanding neighbours.

They planned on opening presents briefly with their son Ian and his brand new boyfriend, Gordon, before enjoying a quiet dinner for two.

Neighbour Christine is babysitting granddaughter Madison and can't wait for Mummy Sophie to arrive back from Eurodisney. Other neighbours Cathy and Colin are anticipating a glamourous skiing holiday in the French Alps. But when Cathy learns that Air Traffic Control have gone on strike – no flights in or out of France for two days – she doesn't take it well.

Neither does Christine, since Sophie is now stranded on the other side of the channel and Christine is left holding the baby. In true Christmas spirit, Beth invites them over to dinner. Eric worries the turkey crown is too small for five. Beth is upbeat – they'll make do even when Ian reveals their dinner date has fallen through and asks if he and Gordon can stay. Now it's dinner for seven.

Eric decides to help make wee Madison's Christmas by looking out the old Santa costume and Beth brightly delivers the dinner – albeit tiny portions for everyone.

Episode 6 Dec 19, 2016

Beth has organised the perfect baby shower for mum-to-be Sophie. Everyone is invited and Christine has even asked Pat from over the back, who she is assuming is going to be the baby's godmother. Sophie, however, has already asked Beth and Eric and hasn't yet broken the news to her mum. Jaz is sporting a black eye after a run-in with a packing box, and whilst Cathy is excited by the idea of a party, she doesn't want to get too close to Sophie in case the birth happens earlier than expected.

Episode 5 Dec 19, 2016

Technophobe Christine faces a computer crisis when she goes online to buy a Barneyboo Buggy for Sophie's baby and her screen freezes mid-purchase. She heads to the Bairds to get help. Beth has got more company at home in the shape of Ian and Jaz, who are staying while they wait to pick up keys for their new flat, and footie fans Colin and Eric are getting excited about their trip to watch Scotland play in Latvia.

Episode 4 Dec 12, 2016

Cathy and Colin throw a birthday bash for Colin's father, Willie, played by guest star Maurice Roeves.

The neighbours are invited round to enjoy a spread of posh shop-bought nibbles but, despite Cathy's big show of being the ultimate hostess, long-suffering Beth has to step in and rescue the party.

Birthday boy Willie isn't impressed by any of it but finally gets into the party spirit when Colin presents him with his old accordion and he gets everyone in the mood for a living room ceilidh.

Meanwhile Ian and Jaz have their offer on a flat knocked back - but Eric steps in to help out. A missed call from the estate agent leaves them hanging.

As the party wraps up, Colin wants his dad to stay the night, but he'll have to convince Cathy it won't mean more work for her.

Episode 3 Dec 5, 2016

There are high hopes of a fine feast at Eric and Beth's house. The only trouble is, Beth forgot that Jaz was a vegetarian when she invited him and Ian round with Cathy and Colin for a slap-up roast lamb Sunday lunch.

Ian is sent out to pick up a meat-free option and bumps into Christine, who promptly invites herself and daughter Sophie round too.

Tensions rise around the dinner table, with Cathy furious that Colin has been caught at a lap-dancing club and Jaz, stressed about his return to work, locks himself in the toilet.

It all gets too much for host Beth when Cathy decides to forgive Colin and treat him to her own kind of special dance.

Episode 2 Nov 28, 2016

Alarm bells are ringing at the start of episode two, when a car's security system awakes the neighbours in the middle of the night.

After wandering around the street in search of the culprit, Colin and Christine invite themselves in to Beth and Eric's for a cup of tea with Cathy and Sophie not far behind. Soon, an impromptu late-night party is underway.

Pregnant Sophie asks Beth and Eric to be her baby's godparents - but she could be risking the wrath of mum Christine by not running the plan by her first.

Meanwhile, Colin goes back out in search of news about the alarm, and when he comes back with some stolen rolls everyone is soon demanding snacks.

Just before the alarm finally stops, Sophie feels her baby move for the first time. Finally, it's bedtime, but Cathy has other plans, insisting Colin take her out for a late-night burger.

Episode 1 Nov 21, 2016

In the first episode, a very tanned Cathy and Colin have returned from a luxury cruise and seem strangely keen to persuade neighbours Eric and Beth to join them on their next trip. There's confusion - until it becomes clear they have the ulterior motive of a cheap deal in their sights.

Episode 6 May 6, 2016

The Bairds have booked their first holiday in 7 years but Cathy and Colin are hosting a party to show off their new hot tub and insist that everyone is there.

Episode 5 Apr 29, 2016

Christine just wants to know who the father of her daughter's baby is but Sophie won't tell her. So Christine locks her in the hut.

Episode 4 Apr 22, 2016

It's Eric's birthday tomorrow and all he wants is a bit of peace and quiet. But as everyone descends on the Bairds' house the lack of calm is the least of his worries.

Episode 3 Apr 15, 2016

Cathy's over-exuberant dancing causes consternation with the downstairs neighbour.

Episode 2 Apr 8, 2016

Disaster following a row with Sophie means that Christine has to stay over at Eric and Beth's. Beth isn't impressed with the new makeover Eric has done of Ian's old room. Cathy and Colin have a bust-up when she discovers that Colin has been using his laptop for something quite unrelated to work.

Episode 1 Apr 1, 2016

When Eric raids the freezer after coming in from a night out, he leaves the door open and all the food inside defrosts. Beth decides to cook everything at once and invite Cathy, Colin, Ian, Jaz, Christine andSophie over to eat it all.

Everything goes well until Cathy urges Colin to go next door and get something out of their freezer to replace the defrosted food, a whole Scottish salmon.

Pilot Dec 31, 2013

Comedy set in a chaotic Hogmanay party. Beth and Eric Baird's Hogmanay goes horribly wrong as family, friends and neighbours descend on their home.

As they count down to the bells in traditional Scottish style, a lively evening is assured as drink flows and Beth's legendary steak pie comes out of the oven.

Secrets are revealed, tempers fray, scores are settled and a gazebo is destroyed.

When will be Two Doors Down next episode air date?

Two Doors Down Season 7 is yet to be announced Late 2023 and to Premiere on BBC Two.

Is The Two Doors Down renewed or cancelled?

The latest Episode was Season 6. Next Episode Two Doors Down Season 7 is renewed

Where to countdown Two Doors Down air dates?

You could see to countdown the Next season AIR DATES Season 7 on this page. Follow us and you find out it first. is your online-guide for tracking the Air Date of your favorite TV shows. Keep up with the Countdown to the next episode Two Doors Down, stay informed about air dates, and never miss an episode of your beloved TV series. Simply add your preferred shows to “Watchlist” and let us handle the rest for you.


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